Seems a bit quiet again. Throw this against the wall and maybe it will stick.
Some here like Pro Footbll, others don't. Here is hoping that your NFL team got Christmas early.
Here is also hoping that the time will come when the folks that make up the NFL realize that the fan is the main player. Owners and players don't understand that yet.
Personally, think that both sides are greedy aholes. Yep I said that.
Owners want folks like you and I to give up enough revenue to finance the NFL Palaces, and the players want enough money to build their grandmothers a home. Then they want those big rims on Escalades or whatever costs above 100k.
Some are dumb enough to smoke a blunt or two then get tested at various places. Later they want to tell us how dumb they are. No need to do that, some of us, probably most of us knew that before you did it AGAIN.
There will be a day when the NFL "Bosses" and the Players "Union" (soon to be bargaining again) will wish that they had not killed the "Golden Goose". Both sides have not only broken the "egg" they are very close to scrambling it.
I am an old fart, I have watched over the many years folks coming into the "game" wearing crowns as if they started this game many of us love. Jerry Jones . . . hoping he loses his ass. Self indulgent piece of crap. Arthur Blank, get in front of folks and say build me a new stadium, what "I" have does not measure up to "JJ's Palace".
Nine BILLION DOLLARS, and who really knows how much money is in the coffers, you and I spend those dollars, remember TV contracts, where does that money come from . . . . you know, so do I. Two greedy pieces of spit, (might get kicked off) but think it is time for a third party . . . . (THIRD PARTY . . . .FAN) to sit at the same table with Owners and Players and have our voices heard. Both sides, smug aholes. Don't want the change that the present administration got elected on . . . . I want real change.
Sad, and here is what is going on, from this side of the field . . . . . I believe that all of the stuff that we are seeing each and every day trickles down from the top. Jerry Jones, Arthur Blank, the boys that run the game in Tampa, Miami and every other city that has a NFL team. Signing or secretly recruiting 8th graders, handshakes in college, steroids in high school. You guys got any input, or is it ok. Tired of the Bullspit. Had enough, and watch all of this ruin an AMERICAN GAME. It is fast approaching. Soon it will be along the lines of Black Sox, or betting on your baseball team, or gambling in Detroit and Green Bay.
Said it before and will say it again . . . like these young fellows that walk on and earn a scholarship and do something other than disgrace my school.
Good evening . . . Go Dawgs . . . coach'em up.
One last thought . . . you will see someone in the media pick up on this soon. FACT.