While I am appreciative of all that Steve does for this site, I agree this format is quite distracting, and as Buc pointed out, it does keep me from reading and posting as much.
Is Steve still around?....or maybe he just hasn't read the forum in a while?
Can't they put the forum posting on the TOP of the page and all the news UNDERNEATH so we don't have to scroll down to post or read every time? I know it's a little petty but.......
Does it annoy anyone else on the forum.....or just me?
wlayton, I post this because I have been doing some research. You might want to look this over. Site powered by . . .
Buc, my brain cells just don't want to concentrate on what they were saying.....eyes glaze over. Whatever power source powers the power, turn on your power and power this forum right side UP, then WE have the power.......I believe in constructive power, not confusing power that doesn't empower.
Tears in my eyes, pretty damn serious. Need a good laugh once in a while. wlayton not sure that Steve is in control of everything that is presented on this site. Time or two thought about doing this, just too many out there, hard to build a good audience. Hope that you and others are appreciated and heard on this forum. If not . . . . .