Read a couple of articles recently about the changes being made at the University of Florida.
Apparently Muschamp has instituted a policy of closed doors for Spring and Fall football practice. No fans and no media. Knowing the fans and media as I do, Muschamp had better produce or he will be eaten alive his first year.
Common knowledge that UF is going to run a pro style offense. Nothing new there, offense has been around for ages. Comes down to personnel. I was hoping that we would get Matt Jones to sign on and he was headed our way except . . . Muschamp told the young man that the offense would be changed. Young man living in Florida, made sense he stays close to home and playing in an offense that he preferred.
Lots of conversation down this way about Urban Meyer. Folks here realize that the program has slipped, not because of talent, coaching philosophies. After last season, UM knew it was time for him to leave. Not going to beat on him too much about his illness, he did say that he wanted to be with the family more. That is commendable. However, did not take long for him to latch on with ESPN. Just saying . . .
This is the year that UGA needs to shine. Don't want to see a new head coach at UF meet us in JAX and hand us another defeat. That needs to end, not soon, now.
Promise all of you that Muschamp wanted Ray Drew like no other. Muschamp knows now that UGA has several of the pieces that have been added to our program that can and will make a difference. Florida folks will not allow a UGA grad, now head coach any wiggle room. Muschamp knows this better than anyone.
Another problem that UF has is in Tallahassee. The aw shucks gang no longer resides there. They had a good run for a lot of years, of which Richt was a part for quite a spell. Interest is high in Seminole football again, makes it a bit more difficult for the Gators.
I hope that the coming season at UGA produces some much needed results. Seems to me that the parts are there to make the engine run, and run smoothly.
If I had to make a bet on the game in JAX this year, (and I might) my money is on UGA. It has been a tough run in Jacksonville for all of us. Will say this, living here with Dawg tags on autos, and Dawg tags on my tractor, does not give me a lot of wiggle room. That middle finger that I often get has nothing to do with age. . . .