I don't know about you, but when I saw the score (stomach flu had struck my house, so I had no time to watch or listen to the game) last Saturday, I was more than a tad upset. There wasn't a hoops fan out there who didn't know -- know -- that we were and are better than the Tide.
It's rare that you get a chance to take revenge so quickly. Today we have the opportunity to end Alabama's season while simultaneously extending our own. Trey Thompkins looked like a first-rounder yesterday, while Travis Leslie looked like a 2011-12 All-American and Jeremy Price...well, he just looked like a ferocious, hairy, drooling, rabid BEAST. And for essentially the last ten minutes of the ballgame, Coach Fox took those three players and...sat them on the bench. Rested the hell out of them. Said over and over again in their ears, "Remember last Saturday? Bama beat you last Saturday. Bama's better than you! ROLL TIDE!" Got 'em rested. Got 'em mad. Got 'em ready.
Again, folks, I'll be glued to SEC Network (WAXN here in Charlotte) starting at 1pm. If we can take out the Tide, then there's no limit to what we can do both in the Dome and in the Big Dance itself.
Red and Black, Win or Lose