Truthfully, I am just repeating what I have heard all of you say. Mean that. Some of you know that I read every post on this board. When I see something that I question or want a second look, go into the archives and once it has been said, it remains there so I can sometimes either make a case, or shut the hell up. (Which I should probably do . . . but won't)
One thing that I have noticed recently, since the end of the football season, this board has livened up considerably. Some of the people that used to read and not post are no longer standing on the sidelines. Folks that know what they are talking about.
Seldom does a dumb ass appear here, and if they do, does not take long for this bunch of "Crazed Dawgs" to show them the exit. Only one has remained each year, he of the slithering belly crawlers, but it is actually fun to have him here, makes venting ones frustrations a bit easier. Also, Steve allows us a bit of room to call him a name or two.
There have been a couple of "serious discussions" and good points made on both sides of touchy topics. However, what you get on this board is a classic fight, no sucker punches, eyeball to eyeball, give and take. How you gonna beat that my Brothers . . . .
Come on Richardson, you gonna love Athens and whomever our new oline coach is. How is that for showing love to the current group of leaders?