Yankeedawg1 and Buc, Lot of truth behind what both of you guys are saying. Great post.
I like the leadership road we are going down. I guess I mean as far as the thread goes. I haven't seen much leadership from anyone on the sidelines, both coaches and players. Will give AM credit, he does lead on the field.
You know, I played not too awfully long ago, and it just seems accountability was a lot higher then. At a time, when players didn't worry about a coach jumping down their throat, they were more hurt by the fact that they let the other 10 guys out there on the field with down. That was enough punishment. And if you did it more than once, you had a meeting with those guys when coaches weren't around, and you figured out quickly that wouldn't be accepted anymore. Most of the time though, it never had to come to that. I think everyone on this board played some ball. I also think we all had that attitude. We weren't going to let the guys lined up right beside us down. We owed it to them. We didn't owe giving them 110%. We owed them doing whatever the hell it took to get the job done. End of story. Even if it meant grabbing a RB by the collar, and letting him know "We aren't up here busting our asses to get you a hole, ONLY TO WATCH YOU PUT IT ON THE GROUND INSIDE THE 10"
Guys were held accountable from within. Could be wrong, but I dont see it on Saturdays.