As one who is usually brief and over simplistic, my apologies.
A Big Problem:
You know we have a big problem when the head coach starts defending his past performance Before a bowl game.
As if to say, win or lose, I deserve to stay. Cannot help but think he's sending the wrong message at the wrong time.
Like some politician defending his record at election time.
Hey coach, how about coaching?
Another Big Problem:
A more entitled team I have never seen. Nobody gives you any thing in life. This team looked bored, uninspired and without a clue.
People here know how much I hate the Vols, but I will give them this, they were giving it their all.
I have never been more ashamed of a Georgia football team.
No Pride.
As one who has invested a lifetime of support to the University of Georgia and spent a lot of cash in Athens, I, along with the other Georgia faithful, feel very betrayed.
To hell with Adams, Richt and the AD.
Throw the bums out.