sadlerdawg, went to the Boise State site and did a count of their Seniors. 19 total, and that is not 19 starting seniors. Finishing as high as they are this year, and some of the teams that they have beaten in the past few years, scary.
We put a pretty good licking on them in Athens, they might remember that and play as such.
This is not gloom and doom on my part, trying to look back at the game in the Georgia Dome and remembering VaTech a few years past.
Seems as though Louisville is a bit disappointed losing out to Boise State. Charlie really wanted to play UGA. He had much success at UF and wanted to see if he could extend his dominance over us. They definitely are not afraid of us, nor is Boise State.
I wonder about some of the folks we are graduating, does not look good to me. Not sure where the Oline is going to be next year, nor am I thrilled with our running backs. The running backs at this point seem to be serviceable, nothing dynamic. A wlayton quote.
Mention has been made here by several that 2011 was going to be the revival of UGA Football, might be, just trying to put the parts that we have against what we don't have.
AJ on the offensive side, ouch. Houston on the defensive side, ouch.
What if we don't get the players that are needed to run CTG's defense? If we do, are they good enough to put the master plan in play first year? Do we have the type of players on our squad now to run CTG's defense as he would like for it to be if we don't get the big uglies?
I have to this point 11/20/2010 watched South Carolina and Troy. Carolina is scary, and I am afraid that they are going to have one heck of a recruiting year. Already have a commit from Shell, and they have what appears to be a bevy of offensive linemen. Not to mention Lattimore. Carolina has their running back, we don't, and there is a good chance that the one that we want badly might go elsewhere.
I know that it is early, however sometimes we have to focus on what we have and what we will play against.
I remember this . . . . MB wanted or said he wanted AM to stay in the pocket (more or less) have also read many articles about how MB has brought this young QB along. I guess so. Watched AM play at Plant, he did not look like the same quarterback when the season opened. Especially after the coaches reminded him that they would rather he stay in the pocket. Now that he has "matured under MB's leadership" he can roam a bit if he wants to.
Fran Tarkenton would never have played in the pros as a pocket passer. Norm Van Brocklin was all over Fran's butt about scrambling. Van Brockin was old school, pocket passer. Van Brocklin was relieved of his duties in Minnesota and Fran stayed. Fact. Cam Newton will never be a star in the NFL as a pocket passer. He is a larger Michael Vick. Anyone that does not believe that, watch, as I will.
What I personally would like to hear from all of you folks that post here, is give an opinion as to what you think will happen next year or the year after. Just how we feel, not throwing spears at each other.
I am not scared, just really concerned with what Richt said recently. Think he said that maybe he had paid too much attention to offensive football. When you have a quarterback that is blindsided, walking the sidelines, throwing, but not practicing at full speed, there are times when you have to play defense. I appreciate Richt saying that maybe he had made a mistake, he however can't afford many more. Not calling for his scalp, asking for improvement. I see SS moving up, Mullen moving up, Saban is there, Chezik will do what is necessary to get there, UM will always have a recruiting advantage . . . . until he slips up a time or two. Slip ups like SS kicking his butt in the Swamp.
One more thing. If anyone on this board does not think that SS would love to put 100 points on UGA in Athens, remember what he did as coach when UF visited the hedges.
The SC/Troy game is winding down, about 3 minutes left, 62/24, could have scored 100 if SS had wanted to. Just scored again with 2:53 left, 69/24.
Going to watch LSU/Ole Miss now. Know that I am long, just love my school.