Good Morning All,
Time to pay the piper. My “Honey Do” list has taken on a life of it’s own.
With the Dawg’s off this weekend I can turn the crank and make strides in cutting down the size of what has turned into novel.
As I have stated before here on this blog that this off-season is going to be very interesting for what changes are made or for the changes that are not made to our football program.
CMR has spoken out this week about a total review he does each year of the program. What is different this year is having a new AD asking questions. While GM has given CMR a pass for 2011 I don’t think it comes without a list of expectations. GM is not a fan of CMB yes we had a run of 30 plus points scored but how many of those plays per game have CMR “suggested”?
There have also been whispers about revamping our strength and conditioning program. I expect CMR is getting feedback from CTG as to what is the trend in the NFL.
Tech week & Thanksgiving and then the sprint to Christmas and New Years.
As I was leaving for work this morning, my W.I.F.E. (Warning-Information- Forecasting – Expert). Asked me why don’t we put up the outside Christmas lights over Thanksgiving? Am I the only insane man that has fake-lighted reindeer in my front yard and feeding corn to live deer in the back 40?
I suggested moving the corn and live deer to the front yard, put a spotlight so they can see their supper and they can be seen. Problem solved – right! This being a family blog I can write her reply. We will go with a simple “No”.
Live simply. Love generously.
Care deeply. Speak kindly.
Leave the rest to God.
Have a great weekend, stay safe. “Go Dawgs”
Go Dawgs!