Perversely, despite Georgia suffering a 4 game losing streak and Florida currently on a 3 game skid, this game matters. If Florida wins, it puts them in the drivers seat for the east since they'll win it if they beat South Carolina. If Georgia wins, we still need a little help from Lady Luck but at least will have bragging rights and the mental wards around the sunshine state will have a few more visitors.
Both teams lost to teams that ended up being better than advertised and, save possibly Kentucky, neither one of us has a quality win yet. If these were any other two programs, I'd say Georgia has a slight edge. However, the Florida game being what it is, I have to give the nod to the Gators.
These pups aren't ready to win a game this big yet. Meyer is too good a coach to drop 4 in a row with the talent he has (knowing that at least a 5 loss season looms if he does as the Gators most assuredly will lose the finale to FSU) and they have the all important bye weekend before us. Add to the mix the mental problems all Dawgs teams dating back to the days of Spurrier have had in Jacksonville (Ron Zook era, anyone?), and we have all the makings of a John Brantley coming-out party. Demps, Rainey, and Moody are going to run all over us, and we are going to screw up on fundamentals big time.
It won't be the massacre the past two games have been, but it won't be an edge-of-your-seats nail-bitter either.
Florida 31 Georgia 20
Aaron Murray throw at least 2 picks and somebody (probably Ealey) fumbles at a most inopportune time. At least 2 Gator touchdowns will be the direct result of Georiga turnovers.
Would love to be proven wrong, of course!