kentdaddy wrote:
Auburn still does not scare me.
I want this win on Saturday so much. Being able to escort UF to a 4 game losing streak would be so fulfilling.
I might dig through the old threads and find the UF tart who was in here last month talking smack.
First off, glad we got the win. Needed that. A bit worried about the DB's. This is where I agree with OSD, and CTG . . . . foot to the throat.
Kentucky coach showed a lot of class and also had some good things to say about UGA.
troll . . .
secsec and one of his intelligent posts kentdaddy.
Re: Who the HELL are we? (Doormats) 3 Weeks, 3 Days ago
All right. I know I'm trolling, (even though you didn't notice that!!) but I'm not normally a troll. I am frustrated that UGA isn't among the elites, as they should be. DAMMIT! Get your shit together. Although I don't know what that entails. Pretty sure it's something related to RECRUITING, which isn't happening. Same problem as UT. SAD. I really wish you guys made us Nervous or Scared. But you don't. Serially. Can you spell R E C R U I T ???? and maybe some "coaching".
Maybe we should go for all NEW rivalries..... UF against the SEC WEST. Since the EAST SUXX so much........... (Now...are you going to argue against reality, and the theory of relativity, and gravity, and quantum physics, and global climate change? go for it!!