RabunDog, yankeedawg1, believe it or not, we have about two or three weeks or cold weather. Cold weather, couple of nights in the high 20's and the rest around high 30's and low 40's.
Have a great fireplace that I enjoy kicking back and having a "toddy or three" and watching UGA football.
My Mom's side of the family come from North Georgia, Ellijay, Cornelia, and everywhere else up there that they could make "shine" back in the day. Damn Feds and axes . . . .
One thing that I really miss is the change, love the color, most beautiful scenery anywhere as far as I am concerned.
Let's get these Dawgs squared away Brothers, salvage what we can this year, and prepare a little bit differently next year.
Enjoy both of you guys, glad to be a part of good company. . .
Go Dawgs!!