NCD I agree with your post and will for the record continue to support CMR. His record speaks for itself in the W L column, character, commitment, and integrity. He could use a little help in the dicipline arena prior to events, not after. Maybe a little fear in the minds of kids is not a bad thing. All programs go thru ups and downs just take a look around the country. Do I like losing, heck no, but it happens, so bragging rights and egos are gonna take a beating, its part of the game of college football. Bama was down for years till Shula started the rebuild, as was Auburn, and now SC has a team doing well. Geeze we get so spoiled with win, win, win thats all that counts. Hate to say it but the world does not revolve around football as all players find out some day. Do I expect more sure, would I like more sure, do I throw the baby out with the bath water every time it cries, nope. Take the good with the bad, just like life and make the best of it. Maybe when I retire down there maybe I'll change my tune and be more rabid like I was when much younger but until then for every up there is a down. UGA is more than a football team of one year, as NCD said there is more tradition and pride in this program than Crier, The Mouth from the South, and others can even imagine. The only gurantee in life is change otherwise you cease to exist so this years ride is getting bumpy, adjust and get on with it. The measure of a man is not how they react to the good times but how they react to the not so good times. Yea, I know I'm being positive but has anything good happened from continually throwing rocks and playing woe is me? You make the choice.