
Who the HELL are we???? (Long)

14 years 5 months ago #31768 by oledawg
Replied by oledawg on topic Re:Who the HELL are we???? (Long)
NCD I agree with your post and will for the record continue to support CMR. His record speaks for itself in the W L column, character, commitment, and integrity. He could use a little help in the dicipline arena prior to events, not after. Maybe a little fear in the minds of kids is not a bad thing. All programs go thru ups and downs just take a look around the country. Do I like losing, heck no, but it happens, so bragging rights and egos are gonna take a beating, its part of the game of college football. Bama was down for years till Shula started the rebuild, as was Auburn, and now SC has a team doing well. Geeze we get so spoiled with win, win, win thats all that counts. Hate to say it but the world does not revolve around football as all players find out some day. Do I expect more sure, would I like more sure, do I throw the baby out with the bath water every time it cries, nope. Take the good with the bad, just like life and make the best of it. Maybe when I retire down there maybe I'll change my tune and be more rabid like I was when much younger but until then for every up there is a down. UGA is more than a football team of one year, as NCD said there is more tradition and pride in this program than Crier, The Mouth from the South, and others can even imagine. The only gurantee in life is change otherwise you cease to exist so this years ride is getting bumpy, adjust and get on with it. The measure of a man is not how they react to the good times but how they react to the not so good times. Yea, I know I'm being positive but has anything good happened from continually throwing rocks and playing woe is me? You make the choice.

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14 years 5 months ago #31769 by fire_dawg
Replied by fire_dawg on topic Re: Who the HELL are we???? (Long)
secsec wrote:

Well, you asked...

You are Georgia. SEC East Doormat.

secsec, let me guess; you became a bama fan last year. And the year before, you were a gayturd. Right?

It's funny how when one team is doing well, you have all these so called "fans for life" come out of the closet. And when a team is doing poorly, you see very few people sporting that teams attire. I dont have the figures, but I'm sure that Bamas merchandise sells skyrocketed last year and the year before it was UF gear that went through the roof.

Now, back to the question. WHO ARE WE? Well, I will tell you who we are. We are a football team that is having problems at the moment. Noticed I said at the moment. Because I have faith that CMR will right this ship, jerk a knot in certain players and get us back to our winning ways. We are a program that has, in the last decade; grown accustom to winning. And us fans do not expect anything less. I believe that this is merely a speed bump in the grand scheme of things and the road will straighten out. WHY? BECAUSE WE ARE GEORGIA! Now, GATA!!

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14 years 5 months ago #31771 by averagedawg
Replied by averagedawg on topic Re: Who the HELL are we???? (Long)
I hate losing.
Having said that, always a Dawg.

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14 years 5 months ago #31773 by OldSouthDawg
Replied by OldSouthDawg on topic Re: Who the HELL are we???? (Long)
Yes I too still support CMR, I know after last weeks game I was thinking other wise, But Things must change. The Toughness of this team nust return. If King adams is responsible for CTG not yelling on the sidelines anymore .than this makes me believe this is why BVG might have left so quickly, when we were on the brink of A NC. And if this is true, then King Adams must be the first to go even before CMB. I have had all I can take of his highness and his PC BS!!!! And his tailgate rules to boot. Anyway yes CMR will be here next season, He must get this team back on track starting this week. I hope to never see an effort from a Dawgs team like I did this past sat night.

Once A DAWG Always A DAWG

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14 years 5 months ago #31774 by LimeyDawg
Replied by LimeyDawg on topic Re: Who the HELL are we???? (Long)
Collectively, we're fans, some players, some grads who love Georgia football. We're all fools. We bark like rabid dawgs when things are good. Sulk like we just pissed on the carpet when things are dark. We run around in packs. We sometimes nip at each other over nothing. But we're all Dawgs.

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14 years 5 months ago #31776 by bulldawg36869
Replied by bulldawg36869 on topic Re: Who the HELL are we???? (Long)
Look I hate losing more than most, but what pisses me off is the lack of effort, lack of creativity on offense, poor tackling, double digit arrest and a coach that can pretty much come up with the lame remarks that have been quoted on here many times.

The decision to hold on to WM was an awful one. The decision to keep Bobo is proving to be just as bad.

As I said before at least under Dooley, Goff and Donnan the opposing team knew they were in a fight. I don't think any honest SC,ARK or State player would say the felt they were in a DAWG fight.

Bottom line is the way we lose that warrants Richts removal unless he can somehow do an about face and I mean quick. Mediocre with a clean, hard working program that leaves nothing on the field is one thing.....mediocrity with the thugs and outlaws we have had the last few years and piss poor discipline on and off the field is totally not acceptable.

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