It pleases me to no end to see our Defensive Coordinator put a shot over SS's bow. Did not like SS before the game and think less of him now. If that is possible. Hoping in a strange sort of way that SS helped Coach Grantham's cause by once again opening his big mouth.
Coach Grantham is old school, he is not going to take crap from SS or anyone else in my opinion. Enjoy that win SS, there will be another day, another day with some memories of your oversized mouth. Your attitude is the reason that you were not re-hired at UF.
Players know what SS said, that is probably on the bulletin board, and leads me to this . . .
UGA plays like mad Dawgs this weekend and Arkansas can blame their loss to UGA on guess who . . . SS and the improved play of UGA's Defense. Thanks again Big Mouth, all help is appreciated.
Also, not real crazy about the person coaching the Razorbacks. Reminds me a bit of SS.
Go Dawgs!