Hot Mike, I sure hope that you are right. I have no doubt that we will be a much improved D than we were last year. I definitely not going to say that we can't be the best D in the SEC, but I am also trying to keep in mind that this is CTG first year inplementing his system and his first crack at the offenses in the SEC.
Here are the things that I am looking for from a personal point of view.
I want to see a fast, physical D flying around. Guys playing for each other, not looking to point fingers at each other when someone slips up. What I saw in Knoxville last year, with the busted coverages, the finger pointing in the middle of the play instead of hustling your tail off to make up for teammates mistake, made me sick. It was the furthest thing from the proud tradition that UGA takes in their D that I have seen. I want the nasty D back. The D that knows football only as a violent collision sport. When receivers are scared to go across the middle for fear that their head will not be attached to their shoulders after they do. QB's are wondering where they are getting ready to get hit from. RB's are trying to find a place to fall because they are tired of getting blasted all day long. I want to see our D playing with that mindset.
I realize that teams are going to hit some plays. That is just SEC football. But I just want to see that nasty, we are meaner than you mentality, that we have grown to love.
Sorry for the long post, I am just getting way to excited.