Here’s my suggestion to combat the discipline problems if were wearing the Mark Richt hat.
First thing this morning I would have a meeting with all of the players and every one of them would put their driver’s license in a box that I would put under lock and key in my office. I would hold them for 3 weeks. If everyone has behaved, they would get them back. There’s no reason these guys can’t walk or take public transportation in Athens.
Second. I would tell them if anyone else gets anything more than a jay walking ticket, they would get kicked off the team. It wouldn't matter who it is. No excuses.
Third. I would have a bus waiting and every player would be trucked over to Sanford stadium. Every player would run the stadium except for WE. He would sit the G at midfield with comfortable chair, shade, fan, and iced tea as he watched his team mates run the steps. As each player finishes his run, they would walk by WE and tell him “thank you”.
Fourth. I would get volunteers to monitor every player continuously every night. Bed time will be 11:00. Violations will be the same. Run the stadium with the violator watching. Second offense, kicked off the team.
I know this sounds extreme to some of you but CMR MUST to get this under control. I would never want to lose him as the UGA Head Coach. I think his only fault is that he has TOO MUCH compassion for the players and his staff. He really needs to find that balance.
GO DAWGS!!!!!!