oledawg, I find interesting what will occur in the next two years on campus. CL coming in highly touted, appears there is going to be some serious competition at QB, competition with young men that "want" to play. I like it, best man wins.
Also think that CMR really has to get this offense back into gear, hit a bit of a snag last season. Top to bottom last year had way too many problems at way too many positions. Can really feel Coach Richt remodeling himself, and that is great news for UGA. Coach Richt can coach QB's, has before and will again with this young group that he has.
I am excited about the many changes made at UGA in the football area. Think that the defense is really going to surprise ALL of us. If we can keep these young whipper snappers out of trouble, offensive side of the ball will do the same. Too much talent on the offensive side not to be a major headache for EVERYONE we play.
Some say next year, with our schedule, why not this year . . . . time will certainly tell.