Number one Party School in the nation. An't that great? This is based on the Princeton Review, not the university of that name, but a group out of Mass. There are 100 bars in downtown Athens, and to think it was dry when I attended UGA, except for beer & wine.
Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy a "tall cool one" or a Martini as much as anyone, but Georgia just dosen't need that kind of a lable with all the off field problems we have had this past off season. Any way, keep the faith. As always, GO DAWGS!!!!!!!!!
To think these folks at the Princeton review get paid good money to do this type of stuff. Sheesh!
Local radio in Nashville was taking shots today saying this is the only thing we have beat UF at in the last two decades! Wanted to call in, but I'll save it for after the cocktail party. Nothing I want more than to have Clay Travis on 104.5 the Zone in Nashville eat his words.