I am no kin to Grizzard, but if you want to lie to the AJC and get me a job there attempting (unsuccessfully) to do what he did, I applaud you in your effort, sir!
Thanks to everyone who enjoyed this post both last year and this year. Every year I tell myself I won't get worked up for Florida because we're just going to lose. And then, the Wednesday or Thursday before the game, somebody interviews Steve Spurrier or Danny Wuerffel or somebody makes a comment about the endzone celebration or \"half a hundred between the hedges\" and I remember that this rivalry is a WORLDWIDE phenomenon and I can't escape it any more than I could escape the Iron Bowl if I lived in Alabama, or war if they bombed my house. I'll be there, people. And I'll believe for at least a half that we have a shot. And I'll close my eyes at night thinking the same thing I always think: My Lord, what has Florida done to me?
Red and Black, Win or Lose