Hey Wlayton I didnt know you were in Jax, I guess your goin to the game Halloween. I use to go every yr but have kids now and have been since 2004. Its always fun Even if we do loose We always win the party! I am hoping for a miracle and a treat, tired of the tricks down there. Bur I know I was listening to the dawg radio show after yesterdays game and some people were like yeah the defense looks alot better and I m thinking OH LORD please! Its Vandy people. And when we started out yesterday runing the ball back to there 35 I think it was and then 1st play cox throws that int
I could not believe it, after last week you would think they would start runing the ball especially on 1st downs at least 8 out of 10 times and then to be on there 35 if you run you know you can get somthing instead of nothing, cause vandy strength is the pass D, oh well Im no coach but I do have common sense. Also I was hoping VT would have beat GT last night, but at least GA did win. I am praying we get Kirby Smart though that would really get the Attention of alot of good players to to GA and i know KS combined with what other chages CMR makes will get the DAWGS back on track again. Anyway GOOOO DAWGSSS!!!!!
Once A DAWG Always A DAWG