I must admit, while attending UGA, I had very little need to hate UF. My time in Athens was before VisorBoy. So at the time, Clempsux, Yech and the Barners where high on my list. Since moving to North Carolina and being wayyyyyyyyyyy to close to Knoxvegas, I've developed a deep seated hate for UFK (University of Football at Knoxville).
Nonetheless, having experienced, first hand, the feelings demonstrated by the anonymous poster linked below, I cannot agree more with their sentiments! I attended three (3) WLOCP's in the 90's to early 00's, including 2002, which we should have won! After that game I swore I would never go again, not because of Jax, or even to games outcome, but because of the poor sportsmanship shown by UF fans!
To that end I say, let the
ENJOY: georgiasports.blogspot.com/2005/10/why-s...se-hates-gators.html