You done hit another nail on the head. I'll watch any good game on any channel, but I do get quite annoyed with ESPN. For them, the production supercedes the game, the reporter becomes the story, etc.
What most bothers me about ESPN is the sideline female reporters. Holy smoke, get them off the air. Maybe they have little choice with womens' rights and all. The left wing equal opportunity, femininity furthering, environmental wacko loons demand that so many female sportscasters must be on the payroll, and not just getting paid, but getting air-time exposure. I hate it. I want to see football, and I want a man to discuss it. I don't care how pretty, cute or smart or articulate or anything else she is (well, maybe, if she's DDG...), I don't want her input on the game. Get her out of the way, and let us watch a football game!