Great morning all going to have some fun today.
Hope the starters come out like Grown ass men an by half time or before so the rest can play an have some fun and make some memoirs .
Buc looks like we might be getting another pair of RB this year.
Big shout out for GURSHALL for starting it.
Those line man are headed this way to but the one I want is waiting to announce an that's fine most don't get but one chance to do that.
Yankeedawg go ahead an reward Georgia early let her take a afternoon nap.
Sadler how many miles you put own the RK.
Steve sorry for putting this here but in a hurry using an Android S6
After I'm logged in if I hit Dawg talk it's 404 but if I hit index it works so just letting you an others no so maybe it will work for them.
Orgedawg I bet your up hope you join in(for real) but if not no worries I'm with you own respect but IMO you want to be begged to come back even Buc has taken time off an still made it the more the marry though,
Wlayton I just hope you an the family are fine because if they are I see no reason for no one or nothing being said could run you off you are a Georgia Bulldog .
The only way I'm leaving is if I die or just get banned .
Life's to short .
But for those who just read I understand those that take time off I also understand.
A big Thanks to the man who privately message me said go back read old post he also gave a lot more guidance I WILL (nice word play lol) not call his name.
Oh by the way got married February 4 of this year an she is a BAMA fan but that's fine my MAMA told her I'll come watch the game with you so either way there want be any BS until my mama leaves.
Georgia football is a game played by kids to many fans don't remember how they were at that age or even played sports and how bad it was to lose because there the only ones that could of changed the out come.
Win lose tie or a forfeited game Still a Dawg.
Red and Black Blood I bleed a lot say they but for some reason they really do not know for even a paper cut they have never have had.
If this is out of line or gets me banned I've enjoyed my time here.
As my Father often said time to Man up Son.