duck wrote: I said the same thing averagedawg, we do not get any respect from the powers that be. We played the no 1 team in the nation, we should have just stayed where we were, not drop almost out of the top 20. I guess its because of our weak schedule, we all know USC played alot more quality teams than we did, so there fore they deserve a top 10 ranking,what a joke.
duck with some of your posts lately, not knowing some of the crap you have been faced with by the Chicken Spits, will rejoice with you next season when we kick the you know what out of them in Columbia.
This UGA team will grow in the off season. Hope that some will stay commited to JTII and the off season conditioning. At this point, regardless of what happened yesterday duck, this group of young men (most) benefited from Coach JTII. Could see the results in their bodies and play on the field. Maybe one more coaching move and UGA might be scary.