sadlerdawg . . . . Grantham's defense has held Abuurn to -12 yards rushing in the first half.
Did you folks see JTII on the sideline? Would think that we were down by a touchdown. Attitude means so much, and it looks as if some of the "changes" have paid off. Erk would love this.
One more shot . . . . offensive line started slow, caught myself screaming at "Bean". Friend has got these guys playing football.
35 to 7 at the half. Richt, keep your foot on their throat. Paybacks are heck.
Vegas 12.5 spread . . . got me folks.
AM does not look too bad . . . .eh. Number 30 seems to be wanting more playing time. Too small.
Stop Buc, much will be said later . . . . . FOOT ON THROAT!!