Not sure who caught it, but the SEC storied series started last night featuring Hershel Walker. I DVR'd it and after it's airing I immediately went to the recording and had my two boys watch it. Not only because of his legacy as the greatest RB to ever play CFB, but the life lessons involved. His desire, determination, hard work and commitment to excellence is something I want my kids to see and apply to life.
He took every opportunity as a means to improve and succeed. Even after getting ridiculed, beaten up and treated as an outcast as a kid. I strongly believe everyone can take something away from Hershel's story.
Can only hope the young men and coaches on this team now, have watched this and can take something away from it. The will has seemed to fade away somewhat from these folks in the red and black. If they can apply just a little of the perseverance and determination that HW did and still does they will all know what it feels like to be a winner on the field again.
I will remind my boys of his story anytime I hear or see them loafing, getting discouraged or not willing to do what it takes to succeed. I can only hope they and all of us will see value in what a remarkable human being he is in spite of some mental and/or character flaws. After all, we all have our own we deal with each day.
Sorry to get away from the norm of our current threads, but this made such an impression I wanted to share with you all.
Let's get a win Saturday!