
Open letter to Will MusCHUMP

13 years 8 months ago #36477 by thriller
Open letter to Will MusCHUMP was created by thriller
Dear Will MusCHUMP,

I’m writing to explain to you about opening your mouth and letting stupidity fall out.

1. Don’t ever dishonor your alma mater and
2. Don’t ever guarantee a win unless you provide an outcome should you fail to produce the guaranteed result.
Of course, what I’m speaking about are the remarks you have leveled at the University of Georgia.

First, to describe the years you spent at the university as a momentary lapse in your sanity makes YOU look bad, not the university. It makes YOU, MusCHIMP look like the idiot, not the university. It makes YOU look small, not the university. Think about what you said, and think about how it makes you look. If the remarks were made in jest, it makes you look all the MORE stupid. Endeavor not to be stupid, MusCHUMP.

Next, you guaranteed a win. I don’t really care that you did it against your former team, and my lifelong team – it doesn’t matter who you did it to. When Joe Namath guaranteed a win over the Colts, it was stupid to do it then (regardless of outcome) and it’s still stupid. Why? Because Joe AND YOU failed to say what the other side of the guarantee was. For example, your guaranteed win over Georgia wouldn’t be so stupid if you had said,” I guarantee a win over Georgia, OR I WILL RESIGN AS HEAD COACH OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA”. Or if you had said, “I guarantee a win over Georgia, OR I WILL REFUND EVERYONE’S TICKET PRICE AT THE GAME.” Or, “if we don’t beat Georgia, I WILL LEAVE THE UNITED STATES AND GO LIVE IN A GRASS HUT ON SOME ISLAND IN THE SOUTH ATLANTIC OCEAN.” Say it any one of THOSE ways, and your guarantee at least has some teeth to it. Instead, the way you said it, if you lose, you simply failed. And looked like an idiot doing it.

So far there are no ex-Navy Seals. There is only one ex-Marine, Lee Harvey Oswald. I can so far think of only two ex-Bulldawgs – Pat Dye and you. He said we weren’t “man enough”. You have made a meaningless guarantee. Interesting how ex-Bulldogs have something in common – they both open their mouths and let stupidity spew out.

When it comes to saying stupid things, we are all guilty at one time or another. The best policy when that happens is to stop.

Just some friendly advice to one of the only ex-Bulldogs.


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13 years 8 months ago #36479 by wlayton
Replied by wlayton on topic Re:Open letter to Will MusCHUMP
Great letter thriller. Please overnight it to Muschimp....uh, I mean Muschump.....uh, about TRAITOR. :angry:


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13 years 8 months ago #36480 by kentdaddy
Replied by kentdaddy on topic Re:Open letter to Will MusCHUMP
I like that. Loved the part about ex-SEALS and Marines.

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13 years 8 months ago #36481 by DAWG1277
Replied by DAWG1277 on topic Re:Open letter to Will MusCHUMP
While I whole heartedly agree w/ you thriller, I have to say that I would be more comfortable making a "guaranteed win" comment against our dawgs than any other team on the gaytors schedule. Look at the past 20 years. W's speak for themselves. Of course Muschump has that confidence towards us. At the end of the day, its all "coachspeak" to get the fanbase fired up and liking him from the get go.

Having said that, I hope the lockeroom is plastered w/ his comment all season long. This team better play w/ an enourmous chip on the shoulder. Especially in Jax. If not, we will go through a few years of growing pains while implementing a new coach. Not what I want, but its very realistic. :unsure:

As always,


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13 years 8 months ago #36482 by thriller
Replied by thriller on topic Re:Open letter to Will MusCHUMP
DAWG1277, I can't refute you on that one. :(

However, if I wanted to get a fan base fired up I can think of about a billion ways to do it without making a truly meaningless guarantee. My point was NOT that he can't back it up. You are absolutely correct - they've backed up that kind of guarantee MANY MANY times against us, including the seasons when MusCHIMP himself was playing average football for us. The point is that if you are GOING to make such a guarantee, back it up with an "or else". Otherwise you're just setting yourself up to look more like he has so far - stupid.

As for the new coach, I think that's the direction we are headed. I'd rather not, but there it is. :dry:


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13 years 8 months ago #36524 by Buc
Replied by Buc on topic Re:Open letter to Will MusCHUMP

Guess it does not get any clearer than that.

Not the last time that will be posted on this board. Many of us talk about the players reading that comment, posted on the S&C walls.

I vote for this . . . . . stop laughing at the comment Richt, coach this group up. You are now back in Athens. No one, not anyone supported you more than I did when you left Tallahassee and arrived in Athens. Personally knew more about you than probably the entire Dawg Nation. FACT. I do get around in the State of Florida, and I am disappointed with you. Sit with some that have a lot to do with football in this state.

Here is how I truly feel about this. . . . .

Make up your mind what it is that you want to do. I know that you understand offensive football. You also understand folks that need a helping hand.

Please read this following statement somehow . . . . . I do have contact with more than one player at UGA. Another reason that I enjoy reading stanger's posts, once or twice a year.

In the USA, places like Detroit, Atlanta and I could list many, many more places in our country that need help. Why is it that you head south every year and help those that are no more needy than many here at home.

I suggest this . . . many say you are a good man. Use some of those dollars and media exposure to improve some of the areas in the State of Georgia to move you and your families efforts forward.

In my heart, I think that you are one or two feet away from walking the plank. Wake up and move the program forward. You have what will probably turn out to be one of the premier Athletic Director's in college football. He is on your side, many at the University of Georgia, speaking about those that understand what football means to the University of Georgia want you to retire there.

It works like this . . . . excuses are for the weak. Check what averagedawg had to say about Bama football. sadlerdawg has had answers on how to improve our team for several years. Open those damn ears, love the Hedges and those of us that support the Red and Black.

Sorry if all reading this don't go for what was said above. Willing to put credentials on the board and back them up. Carried those special passes for many years . . . . .


Folks, I am serious about UGA FOOTBALL. I sit on a couple of boards in Florida. Can attend most games that are on the marquee in this state (some parts of the state). I love UGA and want to go back to honest, hard working young men that (want) to play the game.

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