from leatherhelmet
What's up with Ealey?
Written by ecdawg | 08 February 2011
I keep hearing rumors that he has quit the team or is transferring or has been suspended. The same rumor is floating around for Caleb King. It seems to have grown from the feeling that the "Dream Team" concept has given attention to incoming players at the expense of current roster.
Well, that was the idea.
If someone leaves, I doubt the Dream Team will be the precipitating issue. UGA is coming off a losing season. Most of the fan-base spent the fall in a black-dawg funk. Any player feeling entitled after 2010 and offended by the attention paid to the recruiting class is seriously deluded.
I'm sure that Ealey felt slighted when he heard about the stunt that CMR pulled to entice Crowell. You know, the one that had 10 players on the practice field dressed and ready, missing only the tailback. Richt then asked Crowell is he could see himself filling the slot and even had a jersey with Crowell's name on it - good theater.
The best revenge would be to keep Crowell on the bench. All Ealey and Company have to do is out-perform him.
Of course, the real issue here is one that can be seen in any organization - resistance to change. We can see it clearly in the tweet-storm last night. As a rule, humans don't like change. The reaction from inside the program should be viewed as good news, IMHO. CHANGES ARE BEING MADE. Players are being moved out of their comfort zones. Good!
The JoeT era has begun.