Hines ward was on a local radio program this morning. He said he played golf with Richt (did not mention how long ago).
He said flat out that he told CMR that when he retired he would love to be on his coaching staff as a WR coach.
Now, Richt. I'm not the smartest man in the room, but do you need me to spell it out for you?
1. Your WR's would finally learn toughness, discipline, a mean streak, how to block, and how to catch.
2. Can you imagine this dude with 2-3 Super Bowl rings sitting in a skill player's living room?
CMR, stop having former RB's coaching our WR's. If the Steelers win the SB, I believe Ward may retire. If he does, it's this simple: Ward should be our WR coach in 2011, and be the highest paid WR coach in the country.
While you are at it, fire Bobo, and hire Ralph Fiedgen as OC. This guy was the offensive version of Van Gorder when he was at Tech: he makes adjustments on the fly.
You want to shake it up? You want new sizzle at UGA? You want publicity? Make these moves.