Ouch, that was a LOW BLOW GatorinGA!
Just for that, here you go:
Spurrier was a GREAT coach (I still would like to punch him in the face if I ever get the opportunity) but a GREAT coach nonetheless. Emmitt Smith was a great running back. Tim Tebow is a beast. Wilbur Marshall was an absolute MONSTER of a LB & I always thought that Reggie Nelson was one of the best big-play making safeties I've ever seen.
Also, I guess the guy who invented Gatorade was cool, even though I refuse to drink it. Powerade is soooo much better. Ok, I tried but that's about all the Gator praise I can muster.
Oh yeah, lots of UF alumni make jean shorts & mullets look really cool, when in reality there not cool at all (unless the year is 1985) so that fact alone is definitely praiseworthy